Polynomial Methods (Fall 2024)

General information

Instructor : Mrinal Kumar
Email : first name DOT last name AT tifr DOT res DOT in
Time : 2-3:30 and 4-5:30 on Wednesdays
Location : A201
Office hours : Tuesday 9:30 AM-10:30 AM in A230

Course description

The aim of this course is to discuss a collection of results in Computer Science and Math that are based on proof techniques that are loosely referred to as the polynomial method. As we shall see in the course, this can mean a few different things, but the unifying feature of the proofs is the crucial and often surprising roles that polynomials play in these proofs.

The grades will be based on some problem sets (50%), class participation (10%) and a project that involves reading and understanding some papers, thinking about some related problems and giving a talk towards the end of the semester (40%). Please note that this course will not be available for qualifying exams.

Problem sets


Things that we should have covered, but did not


There is no textbook for the course, but we will frequently refer to a few sources in addition to the original papers. There is a copy in the library of the book by Guth mentioned below.