Tentative content
Some basic set up
- A quick introduction to notions of rings, fields
- Structure and properties of finite fields
Algorithms for polynomial arithmetic and linear algebra
Euclidean algorithm for GCD of univariate polynomials
Resultants and their properties
Zeroes of a low degree polynomial - Schwartz-Zippel lemma, notion of multiplicities
Fast Fourier Transform, and application to polynomial division, fast univariate multipoint evaluation, Fast modular composition
Efficient parallel algorithms for GCD and resultant computation of polynomials
Fast linear system solving via Widemann's algorithm
Algorithms for some basic number theoretic problems
Euclid's algorithm for integer GCD, fast integer multiplication
Continued fractions, rational approximations, Dirichlet's theorem
Linear recurrent sequences and applications
Finding integer solutions of linear systems
Polynomial factorization over finite fields
Univariate polynomial factorization over finite fields - Berlekamp's and Cantor-Zassenhaus' algorithms
Bivariate polynomial factorization - Newton iteration and Hensel Lifting
Basics of lattices over integers, Minkowski's theorems
LLL algorithm for approximating the shortest vector over a lattice
Univariate polynomial factorization over rationals - approximating complex roots of univariates, factorization via LLL
Coppersmith's algorithm for finding small integer roots of a monic univariate modulo a composite
Lattices over the univariate polynomial ring (possible applications - Cohn-Heninger algorithm for decoding RS codes)
Primality testing
Pratt's certificate for primality
Randomized primality tests - Solovay-Strassen, Agrawal-Biswas
Deterministic primality test - Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena Primality test
Integer factorization
Randomized algorithms for factoring integers
Deterministic integer factoring algorithms
Other interesting things that we might not have time for
Multivariate multipoint evaluation over finite fields and data structures for polynomial evaluation
Subspace polynomials and some applications
Basics of elliptic curves
Kalai's algorithm for generating randomly factored integers
Multivariate factorization, Kaltofen's theorem and Hilbert's irreducibility theorem
Algebraic independence and Jacobian
Linear independence, Wronskians and Alternants